domingo, 3 de mayo de 2009

Climate Change

Climate Change, also called the Global Warming, has been one of the most popular in the recent years. From first world governments to famous characters as Al Gore, everyone speaks about this phenomenon. Any day taking a look to the TV, radio or written press, it´s easy to find something about it. Why, then, is so difficult to find someone with a proper opinion about this issue or with the will to do something about it?

First of all we should point the contradictory ideas that the society has to digest. In one hand we have the scientists close to the industrial agents or paid by governments, that are reluctant to changes, saying that the climate change is not a big issue and that there aren´t objectives facts to prove it. In the other hand we have the ecologists that exaggerate to unknown levels the truth threatens and tend to distort the scientific investigations. The malleable mass oscillates between extreme and irreconcilable positions. And not only this, listen to that sort of opinions, people just doesn´t like to get involved in the debate and the solution.

People then has to realize that dealing with the global warming isn´t an easy path to take. Forgetting the home recycling and the saving of energy that each one can do, bigger decisions have to be made in order to solve the problem. Decisions that can change all our life style. How is the world going to leave apart the oil and the other fossil combustibles? The clean energies aren´t as efficient as they should be, so what can we do? Potentiating nuclear energy isn´t a popular idea. Stop using cars neither. Big sacrifices have to be made to respond, but people isn´t ready to accept in. Denial comes as the easiest choice to take, thinking that other ones will come with a better deal. And after denial goes self imposed ignorance.

The climate change is a new challenge for the human being. Right now we aren´t sure about the causes and, most of all, the effects that it will have. The defenders and the reluctant fight a war of manipulation that covers all the important facts with fog and mist. The common citizen feels like he is not going to be able to make any difference, or they just don´t care anymore focusing in the closer problems they have every day. All these facts are the main reason to explain the late awakening of our society.

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